Thursday, November 16, 2023

Breast cancer serviver

 For The the second time I made it through cancer treatment.  The chemo and radiation took its toll, I try to get some normalcy back into my life but at my age it is rather hard to snap back.  I go through it mostly alone, after all my beloved husband is more interested taking care of his live-in harlot rather his family whom he abandoned back in California.  He is also taking full advantage of Costa Rica's privacy law that makes it very hard to get information of his where abouts.

Anyone who knows of his hide out, please contact me through this blog.  My husband is dying of prostate cancer and I cannot communicate with him.  After all the cruelty he did to us, I still love him because he was raised by a controlling mother and she never stopped until the day she died.  

My phone, 760 223 6384, or